Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Suggestions or ideas for activities or outings for elderly residents?

Q. Hi I work in aged care, have been here for 10 years, I am very interested in introducing some new activities for our residents, we have the usual: bingo, trips to the park and local shopping centre, concerts, sing-a-longs, kiosk/shop open 3x a week, craft, knitting, quizes and ball games but I am looking for more interesting ideas.

If you have any that would be great!

P.s. We are locared near Sydney Aus.

A. 1. Mix about 200 small safety pins in an ice cream bucket along with dry oatmeal. Blindfold a person and time the person for say 10 minutes and let them see how many pins they can find in the dry oatmeal. Let everyone have a turn (blindfolded) and the one that finds the most wins a prize.

2. Take different photographs. Tear each of them into pieces. Organize the senior citizens into teams and hand over the torn pieces of a single photograph to each team. The team that first puts together the photograph wins the prize.

3.Auction. Pick up some inexpensive items from your local grocery store. Good choices would be toiletries, kitchen items, personal care products and home decorations. These items should be gift wrapped as mystery prizes. You will also require some fake money, which is equally distributed along each participant. The auctioneer will pick up a single prize at a time. The bidding then begins.

4. Hire a music band and have a dance. Encourage senior citizens with limited mobility to dance in their chairs or keep the beat to the music.

5. Organize a fashion show. Senior citizens who are unable to walk the ramp could be rolled out in wheelchairs.

6. Senior Fishing Day. Everyone is supposed to get his own fishing pole and bait along. It will help the seniors relax as well as keep themselves occupied. There should be prizes for the maximum fish caught and the biggest catch.

7. Organize a yoga class. This is especially beneficial to senior citizens. Each person should only do that yoga exercise with which he/she is comfortable. However, this activity needs care and caution.

8. Organize a one-mile walk. This is something which is within the capability of most senior citizens.

9. Mental exercises like solving puzzles and doing mathematical calculations mentally, without using a paper and pencil could be undertaken. This might delay the onset of serious old age diseases like Alzheimer’s or delay the progress of the disease in people already afflicted by Alzheimer’s disease.

10. Have every senior citizen bring a photo of themselves when they were babies or teenagers. The game is to guess whose photo it is. There would be attractive prizes for the winners.

11. Monthly birthday parties could be organized. Everybody would bring inexpensive gifts for the birthday boy/birthday girl.

12. Have a quiz regarding movies, songs, TV shows, actors and other categories that the seniors will be familiar with or are enthusiastic about.

13. Playing Favorites. We guess each person’s favorite choices like favorite sport, favorite food, favorite dress and so on. And of course there should be prizes for the winners.

14. Sculpting for seniors. You could use the soft clay products, which are made for children. There should be a prize for quickest sculpture created and best looking sculpture. This activity would also help in strengthening the senior’s hands. dexterity and muscle control.

15. Holiday Trip. A trip to a scenic spot could be organized. Nature is one of the most effective healers of the mind.

16. Hold a flower decoration competition. Supply the flowers, vases and scissors. You are allowed to take your handmade creation home.

17. Supply the seniors with cameras. Each one can take pictures of their favorite items and display them to others as a slide show.

18. Pick up the right recipe. Place your favorite recipe among a few other recipes and ask the seniors to guess it.

19. Health Tips. Each senior can talk for a few minutes offering personal advice on health-related issues.

20. Make up a list of questions that can be answered with only yes or no. Make a circle with chairs, enough for each senior citizen to play. Ask a question and if a person can answer yes to a question, they should move to the seat on the right. The person sitting in that seat may not be able to answer yes to that particular question and will still be sitting there. So they sit on their lap. Sometimes we have 3-4 people sitting on one chair and a lot of merriment. This is a lot of fun and questions are easy like, 'Do you have on black shoes?' or 'Do you have blue eyes?' or 'Do you own a cat?' and so on. Again a word of caution is suggested as some physical activity is involved.

What should I get my friend for her birthday it's in 6 days please help!?
Q. ok my friend sydney's bday is in 6 days and i still dont know what to get her. when i asked her what she wanted she said "i dont know' (like THATS any use). i was thinking of an iTunes gift card or one of those visa gift cards u can spend pretty much anywhere, but does anyone have any other, unique ideas? i would really appreciate it.


A. You could get her a movie basket. just put in like a movie or gift card to the movies or something and put popcorn and candy and soda. people really like that

What should I get my friend for her birthday?
Q. My friend is into fashion, art, and girly things. I don't want to get her a gift card because to me that doesn't really show any thought on the gift. What should I get her? I wanna get her something really good!

A. a girly artsy girl with a fashion sense??? cool :P

personally id get her something that would show i really know her..

get her something tht involves the three characteristics.. like a jean decorating kit or something like that.. or get something that is just one of the three like some paints and paper and stuff... or that new purse shes been DYING to get (hypothetically speaking of course:P) just try to make it personall... a giftcard basically says.. i dont know you well enough to buy something that i know you'd love(unless thts the case.. then go for teh giftcard)

another great idea is an inside joke you share with her.. like me and my friend saw sydney white together and LOVED it.. while we were watching the movie we ate sweedish berries...
so i bought her teh movie and some sweedish berries and added a bunch of jokes i knew she would appreciate , get and love..

i hope that helps :)

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