Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to wrap a gift creatively for a sports fanatic?

Q. My husband is a huge football and hockey fan. I bought him a gift in preparation for the upcoming season and need some ideas on how to wrap in a creative way. It is in a rectangular box, so it should be easy to wrap but I wanted to make it extra special. Any ideas?

A. Wrap it in the sports pages of a newspaper, with colors if possible.
If he watches these sports on tv and has a favorite snack food, tie the package with string but add little paper cards (folded up notes) with writing on them saying things like they do in the Monopoly game.
Kiss your wife to get a bag of Nacho Chips Free
Advance one step to get a can of Soda
Get out of (put in a chore he does here) Free
If you belong to Netflix
look up some sports documentaries and
put them on your queue, then,
attach another note saying something like
Watch The New York Rangers next Friday night
See SuperBowl Highlights Free on Saturday afternoon.
If you do this last part you have to remember that
you have to move these sports documentaries to
the top of the queue so you'll have them ready on
the day he wants.
Have fun on the birthday.

Going to New York,so what do you buy your best friend who is a guy?
Q. So I am going to New York in a few months and I want to get my friend this really awesome gift. He has always been there for me no matter what. He has escorted me for 2 years when i was running for fair queen and he is just the guy that I want to get something nice for. He is gay too. Not like openly gay but he is. I want to get him something for his birthday which is in December and I want it to be from new york. Any ideas on what to give him?

A. The Holy Bible

What are some gift ideas from around the world?
Q. One of my best friends birthday is coming up within the next couple of weeks. I have always given her lame presents, but this year I want to go all out. My theme is "around the world". I would like to give her gifts that represent countries from around the world. For example, Swedish fish from "Sweden". If you have ANY ideas please let me know! The gift doesn't necessarily have to have a literal correlation with the country, cute & sassy ideas are welcome and encouraged:)

A. Sports Gear

If sports rule your boyfriend's life, you might want to find out what his favorite sports and teams are and get him something that fits into that category. For example, your guy might be really into baseball, so getting him a baseball hat might seem like a great idea, but if he's a Boston Red Sox fan, you want to make sure you don't buy him a New York Yankees hat. Or, if he's a hockey fan, getting a basketball jersey might not be the best idea. Look at what he wears, or talk to his friends about his sports likes and dislikes.
Video Games

If your boyfriend is a gamer, there might be no better gift than a video game he doesn't have yet. If there is a big release coming up near his birthday, reserve the game early and let him know (this way, he doesn't buy it himself). Or, if you know there is a big release in the future, reserve it on his birthday, and then give him the gift when the game comes out. If money is an object, many game systems come with a "Best Of" series, which usually runs about $20 cheaper than normally priced video games. These games are a bit older, but they are a good way to get a recent game for a low price.
Music Lovers

If he is into music and always seems to be on his MP3 player, you may want to focus on this aspect of his personality. Think about purchasing some nice headphones for him to listen to his music on. There are some nice sound-dampening earphones that won't cost too much. If he has a favorite style of music, put together a mix CD with songs you think he might like. If you are doing this, try to put some songs he might not have heard or bands he doesn't normally listen to.

Or a Guitar :)
Good Luck!

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