Sunday, April 6, 2014

Birthday Gift ideas for a distant friend?


So I'm in that age-old predicament here. Needing the perfect gift for someone's birthday.

So here's the situation: 2 years ago I moved from my home-town and was forced to end a relationship with this girl I was close to. Her 16th birthday is coming up in a few weeks and she's moved on, gotten herself a boy-friend and we rarely ever talk anymore. I'm just wracking my brain for a gift that is just some kind of indication that I still care for her. I've thought of sending her something personal, something that reminds her of the good times we had. But there's the risk of her not remembering that and just leaving her in total confusion.
Any ideas? :/

I think you should pick the best picture of the two of you. Then you can attach a letter to it saying that you wish her a happy birthday. Then say all the fun stuff you had together. Along with that, you can attach a gift card with it if you do not know what to give her. I would if i were you.

artist sketch set birthday gift idea for my friend?


My friend is having an upcoming birthday. His dream is to be in the industrial design field. He is still in art school.
Wondering what kind of gift should I get for him. I know nothing about art.
I am wondering what is the sketch set I can get. including a nice set of pencil, or whatever. any ideas? thank you

If your friend is going into Industrial Design, some sites will have class supply lists of what is needed for that curriculum. Utrecht's has a supply list for such courses. Here's the link: Just scroll down to IDS, and then click on each class for their supply list. Through these supply lists, you'll be able to select items that he may need but doesn't have.

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