Sunday, January 26, 2014

What should I give my boyfriend for Valentine's Day?

handmade birthday gift ideas
 on Homemade Birthday Gift Ideas | Diary Gift Ideas
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I don't know what to give my boyfriend for Valentine's Day. This is our first one together so I want him to like it. We will have only have been together for four months by the Valentine's comes around and we haven't said I love you yet. I am a creative person so handmade gift ideas are welcome, but commercial ones are fine too.

He enjoys many things with the biggest interests being Shotokan karate, nature, music, and Biology. He is a bit of a hippie (loves tie-dye, environmentalist, wishes he lived in the 60s etc) and loves environmental things as well as intellectually stimulating things. He plays guitar, but I've already given him a pack of Beatles picks for his birthday and I made him a bamboo guitar pick for Christmas so I would like to avoid giving him picks again. I want my gift to him to say that I care about him a lot, but I don't want it to be too lovey-dovey because we are not in love yet.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

Get him something personalized. I'm sending you a link to a website that has a variety of gifts. My favorite are the picture frames, the coffee mug and showpeice with a cute quote on it with both your names.

What are some easy and good gift ideas I should give to my friend on her birthday?


My friends birthday is coming up and I want to give her something cool and easy.
I want it simple enough to bring to school and give to her but awesome enough for a teenage girl to love :)
Arts and Crafts are good, she likes creative stuff, but make sure it's like a girly idea for her to like :)

I agree with the scrapbook idea. Scrap albums are a great way to freeze time in a unique way. If you can get together some pics of you guys together, you can check out . the scrapbooks are completely handmade & you get to customize it down to the color, shape, EVERYTHING! & then they do the rest (:
the best part about End of a String: the prices are all negotiable! just send in a message or an order request.
whatever you get her, just make sure it comes from your heart, i'm sure she'll love it.
hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!

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