Sunday, April 28, 2013

What should I get my best friend for her birthday?

Q. A few weeks ago i was in a really bad accident and i wasn't able to get my best friend a birthday present right away. I'm better now and she is on vacation in NC so I wanted to get her something big while she's gone. I don't have much money to spend so it has to be under $100. She is kind of girly but she is really into gymnastics so she can be sporty when she wants to. Please give me some good ideas, I'm really stuck on this! Thanks:)

A. You could always go with home made items. Another option caould be getting her something from Bath and Body Works or something like that. A little set of a really good fraguence is what every girl wants and needs. i LOVE getting those for my birthday. Giftcards are another good idea too( : You dont to over do it with the cash on the carrd but any little bit counts. If she is in to gymnastics, you can make her a gift set that is gymnastic themed. I hope this helps! ( :

What's a good present for my mother's 60th Birthday?
Q. My mom is a really fun person with an expensive taste in almost everything. What are some great present ideas for a mom's birthday? Shes turning 60 so id like to give her something cool, memorable, or meaningful that wont completely break the bank. Under $100 please! Thanks.

A. Try a massage coupon, or a spa treatment!

Gift-cards for online shopping places like are cool and appreciated too.

Ask your mom what she needs and wants- I always find that to be effective.

Good luck!

What are some awesome 13 year old girl presents?
Q. She isn't that into make-up or clothes.
She is sporty, but not super, and loves super creative gifts.
June 11th is the big day!
Must be under $100

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS... She doesnt like gift cards, she likes creative gifts.

A. Well there are some super cool stores wehre you can get really unique gifts that aren't really girly just well... unique!

Ten Thousand Villages= LOVE! >> pre handmade gifts

Umm, there are some cool things from Adidas. Adidas also sells like body sprays and stuff.
That's just one cute bag from adidas. It's sporty but not totally girly.

Make a handmade picture frame and put pictures of you two in the frame, or just pictures of her and her life.

You can make a collage or a little scrapbook. Those are always super fun!

Even though you say she's not into makeup and clothes and stuff, band tshirts are always great if she's into music. There is some really unique jewellery from Forever21 too.

Try getting her a CD or two from HMV or Zellers. Or you could step it up by mixing one CD of all her fav songs or artists. HMV also sells really cool earbuds like M'n'M earbuds and stuff. (There's also Skullcandy stuff if she's into that brand- they're really good quality).

Get a gift certificate for two to a class of some sort. So random ideas: an art class, yoga sessions, gym memberships, dance sessions, writing workshop, etc. You can pretty much get it to whatever she's into at the same get closer to her!

I'm also 13, so i'm just brainstorming some ideas here!

Hope I helped! Have fun and wish her a happy birthday! (=

(If all else fails, things like cool Bernard Callibo chocolates always work!!)

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