Monday, January 20, 2014

What's a creative way to tell we are pregnant?

birthday gift ideas pregnant
 on Gift Ideas to Announce a Pregnancy : Modern Mimis
birthday gift ideas pregnant image

My husband and I are expecting our first baby and we want to tell our families in a creative way. My mom and his dad's birthdays are in a couple weeks so I want to tie it into a birthday gift, but I need a way to tell other members in our families. I've searched Pinterest and can't seem to come up with anything.

You could tie a ribbon around your belly with a tag that says coming soon. I can't think of any other ideas. For a gift, you could get them something related to grandparents so they get the hint. :) Congrats!

What are some good birthday ideas for your boyfriend?

Q. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and his birthday is coming up after Valentine's Day and I am completely out of ideas on what to get him! Why do guys have to be so difficult? lol. And also, I'm six months pregnant.

Get him a gift card lol
And some.. you know what I mean haha

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