Saturday, October 5, 2013

what would be the most useful gift to a friend who has moved to live in new york city?

birthday gift ideas new york city
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my best friend has moved to new york city, ny to pursue a career in social work/law. she seem to be living on a very tight budget to be there. her birthday is coming up, and i hope i can get her something that would be useful in living in new york city (a place i've never been to). Does anyone have any ideas what would be a cool gift that is useful and neat for a young lady living in the city?

subway tokens and pepper spray ;)

What is a good fundraising idea for a personal trip?

Q. I am trying to go on a leadership trip with my school's gifted program to Columbia University this summer. It cost around $1600 and is a 6 day trip in New York City. I just need some ideas that my friend and I can use to raise that money.

Grocery bagging, candy selling, gift wrap sell, and gift wrapping holiday gifts, birthday gifts,, car wash, detail car, house cleaning, cooking, babysitting, leaf raking, snow shovel, personal shopper,, chauffeur, dog walker, pet sitter, house sitter, tutor, senior companion, errand runner, fruit and nut picker, usher at local theatre.

You could call around and see who locally sponsors scholarships, and funds for academic support. Churches are good too.

And lastly .....set up a spot in a ladies room with a designer fragrance, mints, gum, kleenex, and stuff.... if a club will allow. Don't forget to take all the paper towels and make us pay for free stuff lol.

Seriously good luck on your job search, and continue to stay focused in school.

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