Monday, October 14, 2013

What can I send my soldier in Iraq?

birthday gift ideas kuwait
 on 3D Drawing Pad for kids, birthday gifts and ideas online in Dubai, UAE ...
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My husband was sent to Kuwait a few days ago and I find the need to send him something. Can anyone help me think of some ideas?

I got really creative when sending dh things downrange. I did a baseball themed package once and sent a baseball DVD that I knew he liked, along with shelled peanuts, cracker jacks, and sunflower seeds. I also sent a baseball and signed it, "You are my perfect catch!" Cheesy, yes, but he loved it.

I also made a "movie night" package and sent microwave popcorn, a few of his fave movies, candy, etc.

You can send a homemade calandar with pictures of family/friends. The kids made him cards and wrote him letters as well. I made homemade cards with words cut out of magazines, and told cute little stories, or dirty little jokes b/t the two of us. I made him a "love" coupon book for when he was coming home.

I also sent letters, a few a week, and once a week sent packages containing different items such as peanuts, beef jerky, pickled okra, jalapenos in a jar, mayonaise (the real stuff-his FOB only had Miracle Whip), and the hot sauce he likes, etc.

There is a cake in a jar that you can make that's pretty good too. You can find the recipes online. Send it with a can of icing, sprinkles, and a candle for his birthday.

I of course sent him pictures, some x rated (mostly through email so others wouldn't hi-jack them) along with an article of my clothing sprayed with perfume (that came regular mail).

I sent him Copenhagen as he said the dip they had there was different from US Copenhagen. I would also send magazines that he likes, like Sports Illustrated, Men's Health, etc.

I made him things here and there to send as well, like a picture frame. I sent him the nice body wash from B&B Works and some finer things, like a scented candle that he couldn't get over there. I sent him a t-shirt of his favorite football team during football season so he could wear it while he watched the game on AFN. They can only wear civilian clothes in their room and like at night or on down days so I sent him a pair of workout shorts and some regular socks to lounge in. He said that even if for a few hours, it was nice to not be in uniform.

I sent alcohol a few times. I know you're not supposed to, but his command was pretty relaxed and I knew he wouldn't get into trouble. I used Listerine bottles, poured out the mouth wash and refilled with vodka. I wrapped them in ziplock bags in case of a leak and never had any issues. A friend of mine sent her dh beer bottles inside of Pringles cans. I've heard they've really cracked down on alcohol downrange though, so check with your hubby first on that one.

When he got ready to come home, he sent all his gifts, keepable items, back in footlockers. We still have it all.

If you're crafty, you can make a blanket out of fleece of his favorite sports team or hobby. I know dh liked having his room like a little "home". It made him more comfortable.

Birthday present for military brother?

Q. I am turning 23 on Sept. 20th and ao is my twin brother. He is leaving for Kuwait on Sept 22 and I am going to see him before he leaves. What should I get him as a gift? I want to get him something that he can get use out of even while he's on deployment. Any ideas??

I guy can never have too many knives.

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