Friday, October 11, 2013

Virgo guy= confusing..?

birthday gift ideas virgo man
 on Birthday Gift Ideas for Men, Birthday Gift Ideas for Him
birthday gift ideas virgo man image


I (gemini) was texting my ex(virgo) yesterday about his birthday present....his bday and my moms bday is on monday...

So i told him

me- i got your gift
Him- You got my gift foreal
me- Yeah lmao you can buy your own gift
him-man whatever
me- why are you getting mad i just gave you a hint to what it was
(it was some money and a card)

So he kept asking me what it was and i kept saying i just gave you a guess he got mad and didnt text me back...
i saw him earlier that morning but he was with his friends so i didnt say anything to him...

i was in his lunch and i know he saw me...becasue for some reason i can tell when he's trying to ignore me...his eyes get wide...idk
and me and him have a class together so i was talking to this guy that was in my second period class about what they did in class...(i had to take a test so i didnt go) and when i was talking to him my ex was like turn around shut the f up....(not in a mean way....kinda like sarcastic..he was doing his work) but i was looking at him like why are you acting like that...and he kept saying turn around ( we sit in the same row and the guy i was talking to sits in front of him) and i was like who are you talking to and his said was turn around everythime i asked him....

and the day before yesterday he bumped into me really really hurt and i turned around and i said you didnt that on purpose and all he did was look at me and grin...

me and him we talk all the time but not as much now that he has a gf...but nowadays he always has a smart remark to say..trying to be funny...he's confusing.....and i might not give him anything for his bday anyway..

Gemini Sun
Aqua Moon
Leo Rising
Cancer Venus


Virgo Sun
Venus Leo
No...were talking about his gift before he even had a new gf...and im only giving him fifty cents lmao
and im from New York...and im in Ga now so giving money on someone's bday is a big thing down here (they actually pin money on there shirts)...
so thats why im giving him money ( fifty cents and a card) nothing to extravagent....he's not my bf anymore...

First, why did u get him a gift, if he already has a new gf? if u give
him anything, it should just be a card~No $ or gift~really.
and the reason he is acting that way is bc he still likes u, but
the way u said u can buy ur own gift, he thought u was being
sarcastic, like go get ur own gift....not what u meant. but, again,
Why are u giving him $??? and, next time he says something like
he did when u were talkin to another guy, turn around w/o even a
smile, and say "that sounds like a good idea 4 u 2 do! now, turn
around cause this dont concern u! whose talkin' 2 u anyway?"
that would be better than lettin him talk that way 2 u in front of
another guy....really. But, he does still like u, and thinks he can
say or do whatever he wants to, and u will not get mad. but, u should...
and another thing u can say is, "excuse me but,
I dont see ur gf here, so who r u talkin to?????" just some suggestions
Virgos do have this almost nasty way when they wanna be, so no
surprise there.....Do u wanna go back w/him?...sounds like it to
**btw, seeing ur Venus is in Cancer, that is why u r emotional and feel
hurt...and his being in Leo, its all about pride and feeling above~Also,
jealousy is sooo there and apparent....again, gl and HB 2 ur Mom 2!!!

I need Libran advice!!!! Capricorn Sun with Taurus Moon, Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces loves Libra Sun.?

J.D. Capri

Ok, so I've posted a similar question before- but here are more specs about me...don't have so many about him...
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Virgo
Venus: Aquarius
Mars: Pisces

Ok- tell me if you think i have a shot with Libra- I'm pretty gaga over him, but I just don't get him at all. He makes me laugh. But I feel pretty socially inadequate compared to him- although I have my moments. I just don't understand how I have to keep expressing how much I like him, and he still doesnt believe me.

Libra is the sign of balance and balanced judgment, beauty, art, charm, and the social graces. Aries acts. Libra reacts. This is why it needs a partner, someone to get things started. Any planet placed in Libra will demonstrate that sense of balance, swinging from one side to another.

The Sun in Libra: Never tell one of these folks that they aren’t being fair. They tend to get angry with that one. And never argue with a Libra Sun-Sign head on. They will counter your every argument. Just look thoughtful, as if you are listening to their every word. You don’t actually HAVE to listen. Just look that way. With Libra Sun-Signs, it’s the outer form that counts. After they have finished, say "I see you’re point. But ON THE OTHER HAND" (and you must say "on the other hand") "isn’t there another side?" In many cases, they will think for a second or two, and reply, "You’re right, there’s another side" and they will proceed to argue for it and demolish their own point of view. A very fair sign. Balance is the key to understanding Libra. They can be aggressive one day and passive the next, hard at work one month and take it easy the next. And always, that charm, even when they are being shocking, like Lenny Bruce.

The Moon in Libra: needs charming surroundings at home. Not anything gaudy or showy. That would be more Leo. Just charming and in good taste. The women in the life tend to be charming and artistic, but not emotional or nurturing. Remember that little elegant touches appeal to Libra and that the Moon rules emotions. If you are dating someone with a Libra Moon, small touches will activate their emotions. Something like a tasteful card or small gift to show appreciation. They may seem above emotion, but they will feel really hurt if you forget their birthday.

Mercury in Libra: gives an active mind that sees both sides of everything. Libra is the sign of the balance. People with this one can take a long time to reach a decision, and then change it quickly when one new bit of information becomes available. Mercury in Libra people think better with a partner around.

Venus in Libra: is in its own sign. Venus shows what makes us happy, and here in Libra, that means beauty, tasteful surroundings, pleasant intellectual conversation. The negative side is a tendency to be superficial in relationships, ignoring the true character of people as long as they act on the surface with good taste.

Mars in Libra: has the maddening trait of fighting on both sides at once. Mars is supposed to be weak in Libra? Don’t believe it. It just keeps switching sides out of "fairness". A friend of mine has this one. During the Vietnam war, it was a toss-up who he was rooting for at any given time. One day he wanted to bomb Hanoi, the next day, he wanted to bomb the Pentagon (metaphorically of course; he was a peaceful sort). The one thing that gets these people moving in one, and only one direction is an obvious and clear injustice.

Jupiter in Libra: Jupiter shows how we can put all those little facts together, how we get the big picture. Aires will do this fast. Libra tends to take time. It has to balance all the factors. Unless something else interferes, Jupiter in Libra feels secure and safe in partnership situations.

Saturn in Libra: needs a partner in order to feel safe and secure. But it doesn’t have to be a marriage partner, nor does it have to be permanent. They simply need someone around to help them knock around ideas. Since Saturn is also the planet of fear, this placement of Saturn can also give fears with respect to partners. Perhaps, for example, a fear of loosing them or of making a mistake and driving them away.

Uranus in Libra: The planet of "I’ve got to be free" in the sign of partnership produces a generation of folks who tend to need their own space in marriage.

Neptune in Libra: This last happened from 1943 to 1956. That was the time of the "Man in the Gray Flannel Suit", the conformist, the company man. After the Great Depression and World War II, everyone wanted to get back to "normalcy". The illusion of that age was to think that if you don’t rock the boat, everything will be allright. For people born with this placement, there is a love of fairness and justice. Ironically, this generation did rock the boat during the riots and demonstrations of the 1960’s. Most of them were also born with Pluto in Leo, which added fuel to the fire.

Pluto in Libra Pluto in Libra: gave us a generation (1972 to 1984) that will be obsessed with art. When they grow older and move into positions of power, look for an increase in the art market. They will also be obsessed with fairness, justice, and partnership. Look for the institution of marriage to make a brief comeback, and for a push to reform the legal codes

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