Saturday, August 17, 2013

Should I buy my boyfriend a birthday gift?

birthday gift ideas long distance
 on birthday ideas for long distance boyfriends 18th | Unique wedding ...
birthday gift ideas long distance image


Okay me and my boyfriend have been together for two months and we are in a long distance relationship, therefore we couldn't see each other on his birthday. Would it still be a good idea to give him a late birthday gift the next time I see him?

Do what your heart tells you to do. In the future you can email him a coupon on his birthday. The coupon could be something he could redeem when he sees you, for a home cooked meal, or a movie and out to eat, or something else you think he'd like.

What birthday present can I get long distance boyfriend?

I'm going to visit my long-distance boyfriend in about two weeks, and his birthday will have passed unfortunately, but I'm still hoping to give him something, even if it is late. Have you got any ideas. He's a really special guy, and I'd love to get him something really special, but my mind is just filled with him at the moment, because I can't wait to see him.

Im in a long distance relationship too, and i know it can be hard to think of presents but i got my bf a photo frame and a photo of us in it he really loved it (well thats hat he told me :L) it sits on his computer desk now :D if hes into like dog tags or something get him something personalized
hopefully this helps :)

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