Sunday, August 11, 2013

Birthday gift ideas for my best guy friend?

birthday gift ideas guy friend
 on Perfect Birthday Gift Ideas for your Boyfriend | Glam Bistro
birthday gift ideas guy friend image
Q. My best guy friend's birthday is in December and I kinda wanted to get started thinking about what to get him. I want to get him something special and something he likes, but he just told me to surprise him. Is there anything not too expensive that i can buy him? Thanks!

For example, No stress hat and gym bag:
Nice gift is an object associated with what YOU LIKE (rather than he likes) because when using it he’ll associate it w you. For example, cute throw pillow (benefit in that his parents may appreciate it) , for example cute owl throw pillow
Matching T-shirts are also fun, for example, for you: and for him
this way you’ll get present not only for him but also for you, which is great

What would be some book recommendations for a guy friend?


It's my best friends birthday and I need gift ideas. He's a guy so it's a bit more difficult. I was thinking a book but I need some ideas. He likes some books of Chuck Plahniuk, He recently finished Percy Jackson as well as Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore. I need some ideas.

If he's into Palahniuk, he might like Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut's best books, in my opinion are these ones:

Cat's Cradle
God Bless You Mr. Rosewater
Mother Night

The first and last are somewhat grim, but the middle two are somewhat comic in their own ways.

Others that he may like:
Thank You for Smoking (and all of Christopher Buckley's books, honestly)
Darkly Dreaming Dexter (HBO has a TV show based on the character, but the books are good)
Water for Elephants

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