Its my friends birthday in 40 days and everytime she mentions it i get anxious!! she got me a fish for my birthday and she expects something amazing from me! shes 14, shes into nirvana and old music. i guess you could say shes kinda grunge, she wears doc martins and has really nice clothes. shes obsessed with tumblr and has a tumblr room and she has a job too. i was kind of thinking getting her more than one thing but i dont really know. shes also into makeup and brands. she keeps adding to the list if things she wants but i dont know what to get her. she wants a nirvana shirt and earphones. i was thinking of getting her a pair of cherry red doc martins but i dont really know coz they are exoensive. so im kind of stuck. PLEASE HELP, IM DESPERATE!!!!
Birthday gift ideas!
-CDs: Nirvana, Pearl Jam..i'd consider these bands grunge
-Vintage things: record player plus records, old camera
-Collage of Kurt Cobain, Nirvana pics
-Promote her on tumblr so she has more followers
-earphones with cool designs
-Books: looking for Alaska, go ask Alice. maybe non-fiction ones on astrology or FISHES!
-sketchpad,artsy stuff
-stuff for room: lights, poster
-tie-dye some clothes, make your own version of a Nirvana t-shirt
-sunglasses:i have some cool ones that look like suns
-jewellery: earrings & bracelets are good
-balloons and glitter!
-Clothes: some online grungey stores; brandy melville, topshop, dolls kill, ebay. also thrift stores/charity shops are good for cool eccentric clothes
-a pot-plant, like a raspberry shrub or whatever. decorate it with old christmas decorations like lights and stars
-purse, make-up bag
-an instrument:harmonica, guitar..etc if she already has one then, music books
-cakes, sweets, cookies
-LAST RESORT: money n vouchers
*maybe plan a whole day out, to car boot sales or cool antique markets..thn lunch at a cute cafe in the sun (hopefully). visit some museums, music stores. Give her a couple of small presents throughout the day: like jewellery, bath stuff, cupcakes, a book..thn an amazing present at the end of the day! Enjoy! :*
-Also what is her tumblr, I'll follow her- xx
I am called sweet--ly
Birthday gift ideas!
-CDs: Nirvana, Pearl Jam..i'd consider these bands grunge
-Vintage things: record player plus records, old camera
-Collage of Kurt Cobain, Nirvana pics
-Promote her on tumblr so she has more followers
-earphones with cool designs
-Books: looking for Alaska, go ask Alice. maybe non-fiction ones on astrology or FISHES!
-sketchpad,artsy stuff
-stuff for room: lights, poster
-tie-dye some clothes, make your own version of a Nirvana t-shirt
-sunglasses:i have some cool ones that look like suns
-jewellery: earrings & bracelets are good
-balloons and glitter!
-Clothes: some online grungey stores; brandy melville, topshop, dolls kill, ebay. also thrift stores/charity shops are good for cool eccentric clothes
-a pot-plant, like a raspberry shrub or whatever. decorate it with old christmas decorations like lights and stars
-purse, make-up bag
-an instrument:harmonica, guitar..etc if she already has one then, music books
-cakes, sweets, cookies
-LAST RESORT: money n vouchers
*maybe plan a whole day out, to car boot sales or cool antique markets..thn lunch at a cute cafe in the sun (hopefully). visit some museums, music stores. Give her a couple of small presents throughout the day: like jewellery, bath stuff, cupcakes, a book..thn an amazing present at the end of the day! Enjoy! :*
-Also what is her tumblr, I'll follow her- xx
I am called sweet--ly
14 year old girl party ideas?

It's my birthday soon and im really stuck for party ideas. There will be about 10 girls there and it will possibly be a sleepover. I'm a girly girl so no sport or running or anything where you have to wear trainers or sweats. It was going to be at my house but im thinking of going out before they stay over (so at late afternoon or night) and don't know what to do. But if we do stay in before the sleepover i don't know what to do with the time.
thanks for your help x
rent movieeees&popcorn&junk cause thats always fun(; or go downtown and see a movie; just as fun and pretty cheappp. if not, go out to dinnner at the mall then go shopping, and whatever they choose could be their gift from the party (you know you remember them ''goooodie bags''(: ) so yeahhh you can do like makeovers toooo and paint nails and do hairrr. i get a lot of inspiration from tumblr.com they have tonssss of stuff too look at and theyre all fun to try. happppy birthday!<3(:
rent movieeees&popcorn&junk cause thats always fun(; or go downtown and see a movie; just as fun and pretty cheappp. if not, go out to dinnner at the mall then go shopping, and whatever they choose could be their gift from the party (you know you remember them ''goooodie bags''(: ) so yeahhh you can do like makeovers toooo and paint nails and do hairrr. i get a lot of inspiration from tumblr.com they have tonssss of stuff too look at and theyre all fun to try. happppy birthday!<3(:
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