Friday, April 4, 2014

Gift ideas for a sick 6 year old girls birthday?

Q. She can't throw a party or anything. She doesn't have many friends (She can't attend school). She has Chemo the day of her actual birthday, so we can't do much on that day. But we're going to do something small with close family and friends on the saturday at home because she'll probably be really tired after chemo.
But for gifts...I'm so stuck. People are forever buying her gifts and she's really not a materialistic girl. I was going to get her a princess dress and a few other things, but I don't know what else
I heard animals are therapeutic? Maybe a dog for her and the other kids too I guess.

I heard animals are therapeutic? Maybe a dog for her and the other kids too I guess.

She's my daughter.....So a dog would be ok. But she's so awkward to buy for because she's in to either everything or nothing.

A princess dress sounds nice. I understand she isn't materialistic, but do you have any idea what she likes? Some of my ideas are arts and craft supplies, activity books, short novels like Geronimo Stilton or Magic Tree House.

Please help with any ideas for a michael jordan/basketball birthday party for 6 year old.?

Q. the party will be for children and adult both. all ages...2.tweens..teens..and adults. basketball, jordan theme. need help with..activities, prizes, gifts etc. it will be a bbq party style in late july. please help with any ideas you may have. I live in a rural renting any gyms out.

I would decorate in the colors of the bulls, black and red and add some white, balloons, streamers, etc. you can do that in clusters, etc. You can also get some posters and I'm sure a stand up of Michael Jordan and put that up in the party area. The stand up is that cardboard cut out, if the b'day boy doesn't have one already, you can do a search online just put in "michael jordan cardboard stand up" and use if for the party and make that part of his gift after the party, I'm sure being he's a big fan, he'll LOVE it!

For games, you can do hot potato, but with a little basketball, and make it like "hot basketball", play it the same way as hot potato, but with a mini basketball. You can go anywhere and get a ball that's a basketball, but smaller. I just saw one this past week in Walgreens in the toy section. So you can get the basketball and use that.

You can also do pass the mini basketball with your chin. The kids sit in a circle and put the ball under their chin and their hands either behind their backs or at their side and they have to pass the ball to each other around the circle with only their chin, whoever drops it is out and whoever is left standing wins. That game usually gets LOTS of laughs and I know my teen niece and her friends wanted to keep playing it over and over. LOL

You can also do pin the basketball in Michael Jordan's hands. Maybe get a poster of MJ and cut out some basketballs and blindfold the kids and instead of the traditional pin the tail on the donkey, you can have them get the ball in Mike's hand. The one who comes closest or gets it in wins. OR you can do, get the ball in the basket, same thing, only you hang a picture of MJ and a basket and they have to get the ball IN the basket and the one that comes closest wins.

You can do regular relay races, potato sack races, water balloon fights, three legged races, wheelbarrel where they hold the other person's ankles and race to the finish line. You can also do the egg on the spoon race. Go outside, give them a raw egg on a spoon and whoever gets to the finish line first without breaking the egg wins. etc.

For prizes, being you have different ages, I'm not sure if you have boys and girls, or just boys but you can do a few things:

matchbox cars
lipgloss/nail polish, etc
Candy, those huge lollipops
a real basketball
a whiffle ball and bat

Go to the dollar store, you can get a lot there that the kids will love. You don't have to go broke giving out the prizes. Go up and down some of the aisles and get a few things you know they'll like.

You can also set up an ice cream bar for the kids. Get chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream and some toppings. Sprinkles, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, cherries, etc. At the dollar store they have the tall plastic sundae glasses, get them and let the kids make their own sundaes.

I hope these ideas help and that you have a GREAT party!

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