My boyfriend of 3 1/2 years is turning 20 mid may and I have NO idea what to get him! I usually buy him something for his birthday and make him something for christmas, so I'd like to buy him something this year, and preferably something somewhat "better" than usual since it is the big 20! Any ideas? He is a pretty laid back guy, tech savvy, likes video games, comics, being active, trying new things, music, etc... and he's a sophomore in college. Any ideas would be helpful! Thanks!
Since you guys have been going out for so long you get him like a watch or a lighter and put your picture on it so it's all personalized.
Since you guys have been going out for so long you get him like a watch or a lighter and put your picture on it so it's all personalized.
What to get for birthday gifts for a lot of friends?
Marisa M
I have a LOT of friends birthdays this month. I'm normally very creative. I make most people unique gifts that have to do with them. Money is really tight and idk what I can get for all of these people. I have made giant cookie cakes in the past. I've made various big posters and cards. I like funny gifts I need ideas.
Girl #1:
-Happy person, going into college
-Huge stoner. But someone else is already buying her a pipe and grinder.
-I'm thinking of making her a bracelet with her name sewn in bc she loves my bracelets
- LOVES the color green
-has a mom personality
-18th bday
Girl #2:
-used to be my best friend. can't stand her now. won't be too difficult bc she copies me in every way so anything I like she likes. she only invited me to her party bc she invited all my friends since she doesn't have any of her own.
-loves dance
-highly conceited
-considering making her just a cookie cake in hopes she gets fatter. but she got me a lot for my birthday. Don't want to be an OBVIOUS bitch. But I'd enjoy getting a present that seems nice but could potentially ruin her.
-Turning 17
Girl #3:
-BEST friend
- tall skinny dark hair
- cant' give anything to do with food bc she has an eating disorder.
- also huge stoner, but she already has 2 pipes. 2 one hitters. and a hookah
-very artistic. LOVEs music & trippy movies
-LOVES nature
-Turning 16
Girl #4:
- Just met but shes awesome
- Want to become good friend with her
- The first time we hung out we went to a resteraunt with all our friends and I stole a menu and the pan they put my mashed potatoes in/ Now she always says "hey did you steal that too?!"
-considering stealing her an entire friendlys set or something and giving it to her in a bag for her birthday
- she likes tall/lanky boys. she also likes red headed boys., but not together
-shes sort of bitchy funny. but in a good way
-Turning 17
I already got through one birthday. Now I need cheap, creative, funny ideas for the rest of them. Please make suggestions for what I should get the particular girls. HELP!! Thanks so much<3!
best friend also already has a grinder..
I describe gir #3 as a half mermaid, half indian hippy.
You could order personalized gifts from Girls Can't WHAT?
You could order personalized gifts from Girls Can't WHAT?
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