my firedns son is turning 9 next week. he is into martial arts, and video games. but he still plays toys and stuff too. what would be a good thing to get him? any ideas, but not too expensive obviously. thanks
Birthday gift for a 9-year old boy:
1. A roll of Mentos and two 2-liter bottles of Diet Coke (once is never enough!!!)
2. An empty water bottle, a box of baking soda, and a jar of white vinegar.
3. A box of borax, a bottle of Elmer's glue, a bottle of water, and a ziploc bag.
4. A box of cornstarch and a bottle of water.
5. Directions on how to use all these GREAT gifts! (Directions are as follows:)
Do all of these experiments outside:
1. Dump the Mentos in the Diet Coke and BACK UP!
2. Put some baking soda in the water bottle, add some vinegar, and BACK UP!
3. Mix 1 tablespoon of Borax with 1/2 cup of water, mix 1/4 cup glue with 1/4 cup water, pour both mixtures into ziploc bag and knead until it turns to goop. Gross out your friends with it!
4. Mix cornstrach with a small amount of water until it turns to goop. Try to pick it up; try to squeeze it; try to jab it with your finger.
It sounds unusual, but I guaratee it will be the best gift he gets! He will remember it for years to come. I had a "Science Experiment Party" for my son's birthday and I already have kids at school asking me when his next birthday party will be (ummm ... in 10 months!) I've assembled kits like this for kids' gifts (I measure everything out into labled baggies and put it all in a canvas bag from the craft store with directions for the experiments- you can add saftey goggles and an apron if you like), and even though the moms complain a little, even they have to admit how cool and fun they are!!
Birthday gift for a 9-year old boy:
1. A roll of Mentos and two 2-liter bottles of Diet Coke (once is never enough!!!)
2. An empty water bottle, a box of baking soda, and a jar of white vinegar.
3. A box of borax, a bottle of Elmer's glue, a bottle of water, and a ziploc bag.
4. A box of cornstarch and a bottle of water.
5. Directions on how to use all these GREAT gifts! (Directions are as follows:)
Do all of these experiments outside:
1. Dump the Mentos in the Diet Coke and BACK UP!
2. Put some baking soda in the water bottle, add some vinegar, and BACK UP!
3. Mix 1 tablespoon of Borax with 1/2 cup of water, mix 1/4 cup glue with 1/4 cup water, pour both mixtures into ziploc bag and knead until it turns to goop. Gross out your friends with it!
4. Mix cornstrach with a small amount of water until it turns to goop. Try to pick it up; try to squeeze it; try to jab it with your finger.
It sounds unusual, but I guaratee it will be the best gift he gets! He will remember it for years to come. I had a "Science Experiment Party" for my son's birthday and I already have kids at school asking me when his next birthday party will be (ummm ... in 10 months!) I've assembled kits like this for kids' gifts (I measure everything out into labled baggies and put it all in a canvas bag from the craft store with directions for the experiments- you can add saftey goggles and an apron if you like), and even though the moms complain a little, even they have to admit how cool and fun they are!!
Birthday Party Ideas? (15 year old girl)?

Hey there! So... I'm turning 15 in February (7th) and I'm having a somewhat difficult time coming up with some good birthday party ideas. There are about 10 people I will be inviting (give or take a few) and the majority of them will be girls. I'm actually not even sure if I will invite any guys if it is at my house (my dad wouldn't be too happy about that). Anyways, we all are either 14 or 15 years old and have a decent amount of things in common. I have known all of them for at least 10 months (some I have known for three years, one I have known for 11 years). Some of them don't know each other though (hopefully they will get to know each other during my party). We all LOOVE scary movies, food, music, pranks, and shopping. (I'm thinking the stuff I just mentioned can help you give me some ideas) Since my birthday is in February I can't really do anything like swimming, going to the park, or anything like that. My birthday is on a Friday and if I decide to have a sleepover or something it might not be able to be right after school for a couple reasons: I'm a cheerleader and have a basketball game after school and from 5-6pm I have dance practice that I (may or may not) be able to skip. Another reason I might not be able to have a sleepover (at my house anyways) would be the fact that I have two cats and I know at least two people that are allergic to cats. I might be able to have a sleepover at a hotel (I live in Las Vegas,NV). But I'm not too sure about how my parents would feel about that. Anyways... my birthday party would be between February 7 (Friday) and February 9 (Sunday) so please answer this before January 20. Thanks so much for all ideas you give me! ⺠If I remember anything that I forgot to put here then I will just add it at the bottom. Thanks again!
Also, please don't give me stupid ideas like: Chuck E Cheese's. Thanks...
Another thing! I want my party to last for about 5 hours or so! (If its not a sleepover obviously)
If you get a hotel room your parents would have to rent it and stay with you in your room. Unless you get a huge suite you're sleep over will be limited to four people to the room. Not only would it be illegal (called defrauding an inn keeper), but Las Vegas hotels tend to run on the small side.
Why not have a Las Vegas themed birthday party. Get some of the play slot machines (about $6 each at the Bonanza Gift Shop) and make some non-alcoholic drinks. You could also see if your parents would let you have your party at the drive-in and see a double or triple feature. Make a night of it with pizzas or something (yes, you are allowed to take your own food in).
Do what YOU want for your birthday. Don't worry about what your friends like (don't like) or if they allergic to cats. You are never going to get 10 or more people to all agree. I've had people who are allergic cats stay at my house and they were fine (we have three cats). Just vacuum the area really well, keep the cats out, and maybe have some Benadryl on hand just in case.
If you get a hotel room your parents would have to rent it and stay with you in your room. Unless you get a huge suite you're sleep over will be limited to four people to the room. Not only would it be illegal (called defrauding an inn keeper), but Las Vegas hotels tend to run on the small side.
Why not have a Las Vegas themed birthday party. Get some of the play slot machines (about $6 each at the Bonanza Gift Shop) and make some non-alcoholic drinks. You could also see if your parents would let you have your party at the drive-in and see a double or triple feature. Make a night of it with pizzas or something (yes, you are allowed to take your own food in).
Do what YOU want for your birthday. Don't worry about what your friends like (don't like) or if they allergic to cats. You are never going to get 10 or more people to all agree. I've had people who are allergic cats stay at my house and they were fine (we have three cats). Just vacuum the area really well, keep the cats out, and maybe have some Benadryl on hand just in case.
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