Monday, September 16, 2013

What to get my PICKY best friend for her 16th birthday?

birthday gift ideas for vegetarian
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I love her to death, but she's SUPER picky.

She's a vegetarian, and not very adventurous.
She's REALLY hard to buy clothes for and she never wears jewelry.

I really have no clue what to get her.

What are some ideas?

What about taking her to a movie or getting her tickets to a movie?

I'm super picky, too. I usually just pick out my own gifts, but it's nice to get something that's a surprise that the person has put a lot of thought into.

What about a gift cert for a manicure or pedicure? Or you could get her make up, if you know what she likes (check her stash to find out which brands she likes).

Is she sports minded? Would she like tickets to a game of some sort?

Does she love books? Or is she into crafts? You can give her something for her interests. Ask her mom if there's anything she needs, even.

A 16 year old girl could still appreciate a really cool and cuddly teddy bear, too. Have you noticed she has a few around?

What about something from Bath and Body Works - lotion and body sprays or even perfume, if you're spending that much.

She's a vegetarian, but she has to have a weakness for something, like coffees or teas or chocolates? Get her something that would be an indulgence for her.

How about getting her a vegetarian cookbook?

If you get a gift card, be sure to read the fine print. Some take off a fee for every month that you haven't used them. I know some Visa and MasterCard ones do this, and even some mall cards, too, so beware. Make sure the amount on it doesn't deplete or expire unless she's used it.

What are some birthday ideas for a 21st birthday?


My sister is turning 21 and I am going to throw her a small party! But no drinking is going to be please for any party ideas like games and gifts would be awesome :) thanks!

(Early) Congratulations to your sister!

21 can be a fun year... if you know what you are doing.

Allow me to re-list what you request for clarification:
- Small party with (Safe) 21st birthday ideas
- No drinking involved ... fair enough =)
- Games and Gifts

Okay! Let's begin!

I have posts dedicated to safe ideas, games and gifts, but I'm going to leave it in the source and get straight to the meat and bones of your request!

Safe birthday ideas (Source #1)
1. BBQ
2. Concert
3. Small House Gathering
You can get people to chip in for food to be provided. Have some hot dogs, burgers, and/or steaks (make sure to think of your vegetarian friends) and don't forget the buns and music!

Concert -
You can try picking a band or singing group your sister personally likes. You can also try going for a local indie group if she is into indie music in general.

Small house gathering -

This is what you are looking for...

If you want a house party without drinking, you can always check out of the top 3 themes I suggest for 2013 which is 90's rave, meme party, and a hipster themed party. I mention how you go about doing that in the site below. (Source #2)

If you wanted to have a simple gathering with just some cool but safe games, let's look at the following:

- Cards - For ex. Poker, Bull**** (excuse language), Kings The Non-alcohol Modified (Check Source #3 for all card games imaginable)

- Video Games - Multiplayer. Fun games like Just Dance, 1st persons and 3rd person shooters.

- Outdoor Olympics - Form teams and compete small games like tug-o-war, barrel roll, ladder toss (Check Source #4 for more games to include)

I've dedicated a recent post to the top 12 gifts you can get your soon to be 21-year-old (Source #5), so I'll post that link below and give you my 3 favorite from the list:

1. An adventure/experience through a coupon deal like LivingSocial or Groupon. White river rafting, skydiving, or helicopter riding ought to make her day!

2. Gift cards (You can never go wrong with getting a gift card to your sister's favorite store! H&M? Amazon? Whatever she likes!)

3. Money tree (Put dollar bills on a tree! Check out an image of that below at Source #6)

I hope this helps and hope you can find a way to make your sister's day special!

Your Friend

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