Thursday, September 26, 2013

Anyone have any good ideas for a 30th birthday gift?

birthday gift ideas grandpa
 on gifts for grandparents gifts for grandparents gifts for grandparents ...
birthday gift ideas grandpa image


My sisters 30th birthday is coming up this July, and usually she isn't that difficult to shop for, however I would like to get her something 'from the heart'. I don't always get to express to her how special she is, and I also live very far away from her, so I'm hoping to find a nice sentiment.

You should check out this website. I know it looks like it's for athletes, but you can get a poster made up for anything. They did a really nice job on one I had made for my grandpa. You can just upload pics of you and your sister. It's nice too because they can stick and restick to the wall, and it's also something you could mail easily to her since she lives far away.

It's definitely something unique and sentimental. Better than jewelry she'll rarely wear! Good luck

What should i get for my daughter's 4th birthday?


I am tired of the ordinary toys. I am looking for an idea of something that will spark her attention and of course be the best gift giver ever in her little eyes. She is interested in singing and dancing, pink and purple colors, tinkerbell and barbie. She is a true girly girl with very curly hair and big rosy cheeks. I love her very much and want her to have an awsome birthday. Please help me out.
I forgot! Sorry folks. I am willing to pay up to $300.00 for this gift.

If her birthdays in the summer i would suggest a barbie jeep or a swimming pool. It really depends on how much you want to spend though. They also have barbie kitchens which are pink and purple (my daughter spends hours playing with hers.) And wit hthe kitchen you can have somewhat of a theme. People coming to her party can buy her fake food, and other little things to add to her collection like little toasters, microwaves cooking pots and pans utensils and so on. Or if your crafty or have someone in the family that can build maybe a huge barbie house. My grandpa built me one when i was little. It has three floors. The two bottom floors have 3 rooms each about 1ftx1ft big and the "attic" is just one big open room. and you can customize it and paint the rooms different colors and put scraps of carpet in there and then add to that with different furniture. Beds kitchen sets and so on.
I have a ton of Ideas but i dont want to take up too much room in this. I also have a 4 yearold daughter whos into the same things. she loves tink and barbie. Im me on yahoo at aj_55_zen if you ever want to chat. Good luck.

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