Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm Soooo Angry With My Dad,I feel awful for my grandad. I need answers QUICK!?


So its my grandads 79th birthday today, hes not a active golfy winer and diner kind of guy but hes aware of whats happening and can look after himself - what you'd expect from a 75 year old man. Either way its his birthday today, so me, my dad, my uncle, my auntie and my two cousins (8 and 12) are meeting up in the pub for a drink and a meal. Thats Fine.My Dad Hasnt Got a present for him yet and were meeting in a hour, so ive been frantically thinking of home made ideas to do. I read one about painting a terra cotta pot and putting cookies, bannana bread and small gifts in it. I asked if we had one to paint and he said yes, so i explained what we could do.He said what would we put in it though? I said we could buy cookies etc. And he said hes not going out now before we go. I said well what are we gunna do then?He said he wasnt getting him anything untill tommorow/ a few days.I feel awful,I know he wont be expecting a huge present or anything but its his birthday! Should I Be Mad?
Just Incase It Changes Things Iam 12 - 13 in March And A Girl.
My Cousins and uncle have got him something.

Write him a letter!!!!!! This is probably one of the nicest things to receive from a grandchild. Let him know how much you love him and appreciate him. Talk in the letter about some fun/sad/silly times you had together. People, whether they admit it or not, love to get letters. It is the gift that keeps on giving....Your Grandpa can read this over and over as many times as he wants and he'll smile everytime. You seem to have a really big heart and it's nice to hear kids act in this manner with so much concern about someone other than themselves. Now write that letter :)

Birthday ideas for my 21 year old bf?!? His birthday is in 3 days!!!!?


My boyfriend is turning 21 in 4 days and I haven't boughten him a gift yet. We are very serious about to have a baby together and our relationship is very good. We've been together for 6 years now. So I know he's going through alot of changes right now and he's been so great with everything I really just want him to know he matters, won't be forgotten, and can still have fun.

My plan is to spend around $200, so I know you guys don't know him, but besides alcohol what would u want for your 21st

Also I was thinking part of the gift would be to pay for his quad registration, I think it's like 75

Any ideas will help :))

No watches, he collects them and I can't afford his quality

No video games, I've bought him a lot already and he hardly plays them

He's kinda a spender so clothes and shoes are a no.

He's into cars and quads and motorcycles but I don't really know what to do with that. He's kinda turned into and old man work mon- fri 8-4:30 then pretty much just hangs out with me on the weekends. So I want to do something fun.

well if he likes to hunt you can go all out buy him some camo and maybe a cool gun i know my hubby would really like that or you could buy some sexy langrie an plan out a little skit i bet he would like that and you said your were about to have a baby i was pregnant with our little girl on his birthday and did something like that i had the whole set up with candles and a bubble bath with a following massage he loved most guys do though lol but if that doesnt work then i dont know my hasband is 28 so it might be different but the langrie thing would probably do it its fun and a great time to remember

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