Monday, February 17, 2014

1 year old baby boy birthday present?


My friends son is turning 1 soon! I can not go overboard on the gift, but I would like to actually get him something useful/nice! But i honestly have no clue what to get him!

What would you recommend?
If you get a Saving's Bond for someone, what information do you need?

And, would the parents be able to cash it?
(Not that I do not trust my friend, just if I did this I would want to make sure HE got it!)

And does the child have to be at least 18 to cash it??

If you decide not to go for the saving's bond, I have another cute idea: for boys, I especially like the idea of a birthday train. This is a table decoration to get out every birthday. Each year you can add another wagon / candle to your train. We have a zoo parade like this and my kids always love to have this on the table for their birthdays. You can look at it here:

Good luck!

Birthday gift ideas for 1-year-old?

janet b

Please help with some ideas for a birthday gift for a one-year old boy. He seems to have everything already and I'm out of touch with good toy ideas because my kids are grown and gone! This is the son of my co-worker, who is a very good friend.

when my daughter turned 1 we gave her the fisher price little people house. this i would say is her favourite toy ever. she didn't really get a lot out of it until closer to 2 but she's 4 now and still plays with it every day. there's a barn version for the boys. it was $50 if you don't want to spend this much there's other smaller little people stuff. i recommend them

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