Wednesday, November 20, 2013


birthday gift ideas pregnant women
 on Four Birthday Gifts For Pregnant Women - Gift Ideas For Pregnant Women ...
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I tired for 4 loooooooong years!!! I thought it would never happen:( My cycles were irregular, I would have a period every problem was the bleeding sometimes would last an entire month with only a week break.

I have a wonderful 9 year old son...I had him when I was 18 and not trying at all. I was on BC but of course was terrible at taking it. Anyway, I had my baby and my life was great! I thought for sure when I decided to have another one it would happen right away! BOY was I WRONG!!!

Over 4 years ago my hubby and I started trying again...and nothing! Month after month after month my period came without fail! I had irregular cycles varied from every 14 days to 45 days and ovulation test never seemed to turn positive no matter how many times a day I took them. So I went to a fertility doctor (actually I went to two!) I was checked and cleared of any issues, my hubby was also checked and cleared...we were diagnosed with "unexplained fertility". Which basically means they have NO idea why you can’t get pregnant.

So this past May I started my period...lasted the normal 6 days and stopped. Then 16 days later it came again...but it did not stop until 33 days later (yep 33 days of bleeding straight!!). Went to the doctor and was told I had an anovulatory cycle (cycle that no ovulation happens) and the constant bleeding was because my hormones were messed up. Finally the bleeding stopped...and never started again. I called my doctor and told her after 6 weeks of no returning period if there was a chance I was actually pregnant. She said VERY unlikely due to my messed up cycles. But I wanted to take a test nipples were sore and had been for about 2 weeks straight. Well on August 10, 2011 after work I took a test and BAM...TWO lines!!! Then I took 2 more tests that night and again both strong positives!!! I called my doctor the next day and she was shocked! I made an appointment for my first ultrasound...found out I was 7weeks 4days and the baby had a strong heartbeat:)

Now I am 16 weeks 4 days along...due April 6, 2012 (5 days before my 29th birthday…what an awesome b-day gift)!!! I have my next ultrasound in two week on November 10th to find out the gender:)

who else is sick of this behaviour in socitety??


i am over 38 weeks pregnant and can hardly walk im so uncomfortable and do everything slow and deliberate so i can get through it and all the contractions i get all the time, im not in labour but feel so uncomfortable, i know its not long and im not complaining but im so sick of people starring at me right now.......and whats even worse are those vultures out there who take advantage of helpless people, it happens to old or sick people but i never thought ide experience it as a pregnant woman......i went to the shop to buy my son a birthday gift with my hubby we were also looking for nappies, they are so expensive and i couldnt find any for the right price they all cost different prices at different shops, i had drawn all the money from my account because my bank charges are very high this month and i was planning to buy the rest of what i need today without using my card, and put the other money away at home, for the week, i didnt get to buy my sons nappies, before somone stole my wallet out of my hand bag, becasue im so awkward and struggling around i wouldnt have noticed if someone had gotten too close and grabbed my wallet, i have a pretty good idea of where it happened though, im so upset to the point that im crying all the time, i know its just moey but its the fact that someone can see sombody else struggling and try and get what they want, they just inhuman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was at a checking loan when it got robbed my money is gone I feel your pain and I hope you have a safe pregnance and a heathly child. God Bless.

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