Saturday, May 25, 2013

What is an average amount and list of what a woman spends each month?

Q. Recently I have been trying explain to my husband that I want to get more things like clothes and highlights.

What are some monthly expenses for a woman. I am 25, so these are not just what a teen might spend. I am talking like pricing of keeping up highlights, nails, blue jeans, make up, face wash, lotions, tanning... things I'm forgetting...
The main reason I am asking... I am a SAHM and have a 6 month old. I have been married nearly 4 years, and I do not feel like I have enough money for me. Meaning, I get $50.00 a week for groceries, diapers, wipes, all the baby food, our food, all clothes my husband's, mine and the baby... i only get my hair cut twice a year, and my husband complains SO much when I talk about a manicure, highlights, new clothes (i've had these forever). I want him to understand that not only am i extremely cheap... someday down the road I don't want to have to be this cheap anymore.

A. Spend your own money on yourself.
Problem solved.

If you are a SAHM then you two should figure out what a reasonable weekly allowance is for both of you.
It's not based on "what you need" it's based on what you can afford and are willing to budget.

We allocate $200 a week to allowance. She gets $120 and I get $80; her allowance is spent on her and the kids that's why its more (ice-cream, trips to the zoo, etc...). If we do something special, like take kids to a carnival, I'll spend some of my allowance on it too and a lot of my allowance is spent on her too ;)
When the kids are a little older we'll pay them their allowance directly and my wife will go back to work and have her own money.
That allowance pays for everything not in the budget. e.g. gifts for birthday parties, gifts for each other etc... If you want something expensive you have to save.

So you get an idea of scale, I make $90k and we live in a small home and both of our cars are now paid off. If your household income is $40k you cannot afford to blow $200 a week.

Get the book in the source and have him read the chapter on material support. "She needs to live comfortably".
Most men, myself included, would live in a box for 10 years if it meant we were millionaire when it was over.
Few, if any, women would be willing to do that.

I had a crazy dream last night. Can anyone tell me what it means?
Q. So my dream started and I'm sitting on the bench watching a basketball game. The coach puts me in but I just keep falling down and when I do get the ball I run the opposite way. This dude in a full tuxedo wearing a monocle walks up and starts beating me with a red and black striped snake. The ref then comes over throws a rat on my chest and kicks me in the junk then I appear on top of a very tall building with Steve Erwin! He hands me a stock certificate for Proctor and Gamble tells me to bet on red and then he puts on a jet pack, grabs me, and flies off. He drops me off at the casino in Widsor and flies off again. I walk into the casino and go to the roulette table. Brad Pitt, Gina Davis, Terrell Owens, Will Smith, and Barack Obama are all there and the just keep beating on black and winning everytime! I walk up and set a $20 on red, they all bet on black and it hits red. I leave it all on red, they all bet black again, and it hits red again. They all walk off except for Barack. I leave it again on red and win again. I do this about 10 more times. Barack then pulls out a bag of weed and gives it to me and he walks off. A casino official walks over to me and hands me a check for $80,000 and a room key. I go to that room and it's a giant suite. I walk in the door a these seven naked chicks walk up and start rubbing me down. I tell them I'm married and they say they know. They point to the bed and my wife is sitting there masturbating. She says, "Happy birthday baby... I know you've always wanted a three way but I thought an nine way was 3 times better" I quickly rip off my clothes and jump in the bed but as soon as I hit the bed I fall through land in a pool full of kids. This beautiful woman walks up to me points at my junk and says what's that?

That's when I woke up!

Some background: I'm 29 and married with a 3-month-old baby girl. I've been married for about 2 and a half years I'm in an ok financial state. My sex life is the best it's ever been. I'm not a big gambler. When I do I play blackjack. I've only played roulette twice. I don't even know what Proctor and Gamble make. I never watched Steve Erwin's show. I played basketball as a kid and wasn't very good. I hate rats and snakes and love monopoly.

Any ideas?
I thought it was kind of weird because I DID in fact remember as much detail as I did!
Also this is 100% true. That's why I'm asking. I have better things to do at 12:45 AM then to make $#!t up! really want to know what this means!

A. One interpretation: You're on the bench, on a team, and coach puts you in play. Coach is father-model. You as father are not doing the team (your family) much good--your energies are running the wrong way, kind of "falling down on the job."

Dude in tuxedo is formal you: "I'm the father." But it's a penguin-type formality, stiff, out-of-place. The red and black snake is male anger, with which he beats you. The referee tells you you're a "rat," and his foot castrationally emphasizes the point. This is your wife's opinion of you as team player, as interpreted or felt by your waking subconscious, which becomes your dreaming conscious, and which is childlike or childish, depending on how you care for and champion it.

After being disappointed, your dreaming conscious shows its addictive nature: whether porn or gambling or etc., you seek self-esteem, endorphin enhancement, via fantastic victory with the "big players" or "big leagues." Some stars and pols are there, and you are given insider advice by one, which enables you to win over everyone, including the President, who hands you a gift of "weed." You receive a specific amount, an "8," which is a number of prosperity, btw, and a key to a room. You find 7 virgins, as it were, Then you say you're married, good move, and they point to your wife, masturbating. She's a bit lower in virtue than you, so masturbating and suggesting a 9-some is in slutty character.

At that point, wife and 7 virgins sound good, this = marriage, and you fall into a family pool. A beautiful woman, i.e. not so masturbatory-needy, points to your manhood, in a question-open way.

Beauty asks of your manhood a higher usage than wife and 7 virgins in a 9-way; it's called being a father, not merely a husband to a horny wife.

This sums up your awareness of your three-month-old as a beautiful woman who does not need your genitalia in the way your wife is entitled to, but needs your manly love to be beautiful without having to be sexualized or become a sex object in order to feel worth $80,000, etc.

"For Men Only" and "For Women Only," Shaunti Feldhahn, would be excellent co-reads for you both.
"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and
"Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon," O. M. Aivanhov, are also worthwhile.

Reviews at

"Bringing Up Girls" and "The New Strong Willed Child," Dr. James Dobson, are also worthwhile.

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