Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I need suggestions for a charity birthday party for a 9 year old girl?

Q. I have been talking to my daughter about the idea of a charity party for a couple of years . I think now is the time to have one. Several of her friends have had b-day parties and it seemed to me that special emphasis' were placed on guests who brought the best/ expensive gifts. I am so over attending or should I say sending my children to those types of parties.
Her b-day is the second week of November.

A. Contact someplace that could use children's toys and ask them what they need. Then sent a note in the party invitation that all gifts will be donated to ____ and this is a list of suggested items.
(suggestions: shelters, boys and girls club, Salvation Army, Head Starts, Toys for Tots-run by police officers in our area, places that have after school programs, day cares, the hospital, etc.)

Or, if her birthday is close to Christmas and your town has an "Angel Tree" where they have cards that request gifts for needy children, you could send one of those cards to each guest and ask them to purchase the gift for that child instead of your daughter. (or a similar thing could be done for school supplies at the start of the school year) or some places take donations of Halloween costumes.

Or have the guests bring in beanies or small stuffed animals to be sent to "Beanies for Baghdad".

Or hold the party at an animal shelter. Get a list of things the animal shelter needs and have the guests bring that as their donation. Maybe the shelter has a project the guests could do as part of the party (depending on how old they are).

What kind of Gift does a 9 year old boy want?
Q. my little brother has a birthday party he has to go to soon for his friend. my mom needs ideas on what to get him because we have no idea what a 9 year old boy wants!

i suggested a ds game, but he doesnt own a ds
he owns a wii, but wii games are too expensive for birthdays
my brother says he likes baseball, but he already has a lot of bats and balls already!

so what else could you get a 9 year old boy?
( i am a 13 year old girl and i have n0 clue)

A. EB Games or GameStop gift card...it seems to be what all the boys in my daughters class want. Have fun shopping!

What toys does your 9 yr old daughter enjoy?
Q. I need ideas..my daughter's birthday is coming up and she really isn't interested in most toys now like dolls, kitchen stuff, things like that. The only thing I know of is video games and Webkins....but she has enough of those..she wants toys, but what can I get here that she will get alot of enjoyment from? If you have a 9 yr old girl....what does she like?

A. My 9 year old niece loves all of those plus baby dolls and all that Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Camp Rock stuff.

In terms of buying her toys it's getting to the point where it's getting hard to find stuff for her because she has reached that "tweenager" age so we rely heavily on what she tells us but we encourage her to think of stuff other than the usual Webkinz, DS/Wii game answers - we'll leave those gifts for friends and the rest of the family.

Her answers usually include stuffed animals, posters, CD/DVDs and new clothes. She also has no qualms with receiving Gift cards for her favourite stores since she loves to shop.

It's really a tough age to shop for because you are usually stuck grappling between "I don't know what to buy" vs. "Do I really want to buy her that toy she asked for thats for ages 5+" type deliema.

Ask her opinion, give her store flyers to look at or have her visit some of her favourite stores websites to see what she might be interested in.

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