Okay so my little sister is turning 6 soon and we need an idea for her party. We are having it in the house, because it gets to the hundreds where we live, we have a cake, and cooking is covered but we're not really sure what to do for entertainment. We have a Wii but that wont do anything for very long. Movies are a usual part of our lives so that wont make a big difference.
(We are inviting a 1 year old a 2 and a 3 year old, a 4 year old, a 7 year old, and 2 older kids who have known her since she was a baby)
Thanks for your help! :)
LOL! i forgot...there are a few boys, but if it was all girls the Pamper Party would be a GREAT idea!
well they'll be entertained, Thanks Lots guys! :D
firstly Happy birthday to your sister ......Fun birthday party games to play at parties for 5 and 6 year old boys and girls. These fun games are age appropriate, have been tested by 5 and 6 year olds and been given their approval...
Mystery Fishing Game ____
Kids who are 5 and 6 love this party game where they fish for prizes! For the "water" use a large appliance box, hang a sheet across a doorway, or cover a table so that the "fish" (and the person in the water) are hidden from view. Tie a string to a stick and attach a clothespin on the end of the string. Birthday party guests take turns "casting" the line into the "water". The person in the "water" puts small gifts, favors or candy on the clothespin and then tugs the string to signal that there is a "fish" on the line. Then kids pull up the line and retrieve their prize. This is a simple but fantastic birthday party game that kids adore! Have lots of prizes because 5 and 6 year olds will want to do this birthday party game again and again.
Mummy Wrap Game
One of the easiest and most fun games! See which team can wrap their mummy in toilet paper first. Divide birthday party guests into teams of 2 or 3 and give them 2 rolls of toilet paper. Let teams decide on who will be the mummy and then race to see who can wrap their mummy in toilet paper the quickest using all the paper. Stock up on paper and play this game a few times switching out mummy's.
Drama Bag Game
Fill shopping bags with 5 different items in each bag. The items can be anything - shoe, comb, penny etc. - but make each bag different. Divide birthday party guests into teams and give each team one bag. Teams then go to different rooms and create a skit which must include all items in the bag. After 15 minutes let them perform the skits. Variation: The party guests create a song, commercial or tribute to the birthday child.
Spoon race Games
Place an egg on the spoon and then with the word âGoâ the birthday party guests must walk from the starting line to the finish line without dropping the egg. The first one to cross the line with the egg still on the spoon wins the game.
For team games - divide the birthday party guests into 2 teams. Each team has one spoon and egg. Each member runs the course without dropping the egg. When they return they hand the egg and the spoon to the next person and that person runs the course. Continue until all birthday guests have completed the game race. For older children make the game course more complex by adding obstacles. If they drop the egg then they pick it up, go back to the starting line and begin again.
Prize Walk Birthday Game
Have a birthday prize walk instead of a cakewalk. Place numbers on the ground in a circle or oval. Start the music and the birthday party kids walk around the circle until the music stops. Pick a number out of a hat or roll a dice to decide which number wins a prize. The child that is standing on the number that is picked gets to choose a small toy from the birthday games prize table.
Silly Race Games
Divide the kids into 2 groups for these games and have them race by:
Holding balloons between their knees
Jumping rope singing happy birthday
Balancing an object on head
Holding a balloon between two of the team members heads
Balancing a small ball on their feet
Skipping backwards
Bouncing a ball
Once they master the forward races, have them do them backwards!
Guess and Win Game
Fill a see through jar with lots of small candy, jellybeans, skittles, marbles or small toys. Count them before you put them into the jar. As the children arrive for the birthday party have them guess how many toys or candies they think are in the jar. Write down each birthday party guest's guess. At the end of the birthday party reveal who guessed closest to the right number. The winner takes home a small prize, or the whole jar with its contents! Tip; Use items related to your birthday party theme. Plastic bugs for an insect party, pink jelly beans for a pink or princess birthday party, rings for a glamour party etc.
enjoy...and again happy b'day.....:)
firstly Happy birthday to your sister ......Fun birthday party games to play at parties for 5 and 6 year old boys and girls. These fun games are age appropriate, have been tested by 5 and 6 year olds and been given their approval...
Mystery Fishing Game ____
Kids who are 5 and 6 love this party game where they fish for prizes! For the "water" use a large appliance box, hang a sheet across a doorway, or cover a table so that the "fish" (and the person in the water) are hidden from view. Tie a string to a stick and attach a clothespin on the end of the string. Birthday party guests take turns "casting" the line into the "water". The person in the "water" puts small gifts, favors or candy on the clothespin and then tugs the string to signal that there is a "fish" on the line. Then kids pull up the line and retrieve their prize. This is a simple but fantastic birthday party game that kids adore! Have lots of prizes because 5 and 6 year olds will want to do this birthday party game again and again.
Mummy Wrap Game
One of the easiest and most fun games! See which team can wrap their mummy in toilet paper first. Divide birthday party guests into teams of 2 or 3 and give them 2 rolls of toilet paper. Let teams decide on who will be the mummy and then race to see who can wrap their mummy in toilet paper the quickest using all the paper. Stock up on paper and play this game a few times switching out mummy's.
Drama Bag Game
Fill shopping bags with 5 different items in each bag. The items can be anything - shoe, comb, penny etc. - but make each bag different. Divide birthday party guests into teams and give each team one bag. Teams then go to different rooms and create a skit which must include all items in the bag. After 15 minutes let them perform the skits. Variation: The party guests create a song, commercial or tribute to the birthday child.
Spoon race Games
Place an egg on the spoon and then with the word âGoâ the birthday party guests must walk from the starting line to the finish line without dropping the egg. The first one to cross the line with the egg still on the spoon wins the game.
For team games - divide the birthday party guests into 2 teams. Each team has one spoon and egg. Each member runs the course without dropping the egg. When they return they hand the egg and the spoon to the next person and that person runs the course. Continue until all birthday guests have completed the game race. For older children make the game course more complex by adding obstacles. If they drop the egg then they pick it up, go back to the starting line and begin again.
Prize Walk Birthday Game
Have a birthday prize walk instead of a cakewalk. Place numbers on the ground in a circle or oval. Start the music and the birthday party kids walk around the circle until the music stops. Pick a number out of a hat or roll a dice to decide which number wins a prize. The child that is standing on the number that is picked gets to choose a small toy from the birthday games prize table.
Silly Race Games
Divide the kids into 2 groups for these games and have them race by:
Holding balloons between their knees
Jumping rope singing happy birthday
Balancing an object on head
Holding a balloon between two of the team members heads
Balancing a small ball on their feet
Skipping backwards
Bouncing a ball
Once they master the forward races, have them do them backwards!
Guess and Win Game
Fill a see through jar with lots of small candy, jellybeans, skittles, marbles or small toys. Count them before you put them into the jar. As the children arrive for the birthday party have them guess how many toys or candies they think are in the jar. Write down each birthday party guest's guess. At the end of the birthday party reveal who guessed closest to the right number. The winner takes home a small prize, or the whole jar with its contents! Tip; Use items related to your birthday party theme. Plastic bugs for an insect party, pink jelly beans for a pink or princess birthday party, rings for a glamour party etc.
enjoy...and again happy b'day.....:)
Birthday Party Ideas? (15 year old girl)?

Hey there! So... I'm turning 15 in February (7th) and I'm having a somewhat difficult time coming up with some good birthday party ideas. There are about 10 people I will be inviting (give or take a few) and the majority of them will be girls. I'm actually not even sure if I will invite any guys if it is at my house (my dad wouldn't be too happy about that). Anyways, we all are either 14 or 15 years old and have a decent amount of things in common. I have known all of them for at least 10 months (some I have known for three years, one I have known for 11 years). Some of them don't know each other though (hopefully they will get to know each other during my party). We all LOOVE scary movies, food, music, pranks, and shopping. (I'm thinking the stuff I just mentioned can help you give me some ideas) Since my birthday is in February I can't really do anything like swimming, going to the park, or anything like that. My birthday is on a Friday and if I decide to have a sleepover or something it might not be able to be right after school for a couple reasons: I'm a cheerleader and have a basketball game after school and from 5-6pm I have dance practice that I (may or may not) be able to skip. Another reason I might not be able to have a sleepover (at my house anyways) would be the fact that I have two cats and I know at least two people that are allergic to cats. I might be able to have a sleepover at a hotel (I live in Las Vegas,NV). But I'm not too sure about how my parents would feel about that. Anyways... my birthday party would be between February 7 (Friday) and February 9 (Sunday) so please answer this before January 20. Thanks so much for all ideas you give me! ⺠If I remember anything that I forgot to put here then I will just add it at the bottom. Thanks again!
Also, please don't give me stupid ideas like: Chuck E Cheese's. Thanks...
Another thing! I want my party to last for about 5 hours or so! (If its not a sleepover obviously)
If you get a hotel room your parents would have to rent it and stay with you in your room. Unless you get a huge suite you're sleep over
If you get a hotel room your parents would have to rent it and stay with you in your room. Unless you get a huge suite you're sleep over
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