Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Creative ways to give a pressie to my boyfriend? Need ideas please?


I've bought my boyfriend a trip to Dubai for his birthday and I'm a little stuck on a creative idea on how to present it to him rather than just handing over a ticket in an envelope.... What's your ideas? Any feedback is much appreciated
Thank you

Put it in a picture frame and gift wrap it.

What do I get my Dad for his Birthday?


It's my father's 57th birthday this year and I'm looking for gift ideas for him. He works in the mobile phone industry, has several phone (for business purposes) including an iphone, likes old WWII movies like we dive at dawn and the colditz story, is into blues/jazz I think- always used to play eric clapton music in the car on family trip (cream, the dominos etc.).

He lives in switzerland on his own (is divorced) but has plenty of friends out there. He travels alot for business, and I mean alot. We're talking dubai one day, washington the next then africa, germany etc etc. He has an ereader (that I gave him last year) which he uses alot on the flights.

I'm really struggling for ideas. Any suggestions appreciated.

An ipad
A wwII book or item from wwII(check amazon or ebay)
A wwII movie (I think there's one. Called "saving private Ryan")
Eric Clapton cd
U cud make a scrapbook of u and him and start from when u were little in the from of the book and work ur way up to now
Atlas (u said he travels a lot)
Socks (hehe that's wut my dad gets every year)

Hope I helepd!!
Happy birthday to ur dad!!! *<8~)

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