birthday gift ideas virgo man image
Lovely but
My birthday is sept 1st, 1988 at 3:30am
I know i'm a virgo.. but what sun or moon sign am I if i was born at 3:30am? I don't know how I can figure that out. Please help.
Also I'm having a dinner party and I feel like I should give something to everyone before they leave for a thanks for coming. Any idea's?
I'm 20 now.
*Men's vibrating ring
*Blow up doll
*Cigarettes & Cigars
*Beer & Liquor
Or stand at the side of the door and offer all the guys and little boys sex.
*Men's vibrating ring
*Blow up doll
*Cigarettes & Cigars
*Beer & Liquor
Or stand at the side of the door and offer all the guys and little boys sex.
Virgo guy= confusing..?
I (gemini) was texting my ex(virgo) yesterday about his birthday present....his bday and my moms bday is on monday...
So i told him
me- i got your gift
Him- You got my gift foreal
me- Yeah lmao you can buy your own gift
him-man whatever
me- why are you getting mad i just gave you a hint to what it was
(it was some money and a card)
So he kept asking me what it was and i kept saying i just gave you a guess he got mad and didnt text me back...
i saw him earlier that morning but he was with his friends so i didnt say anything to him...
i was in his lunch and i know he saw me...becasue for some reason i can tell when he's trying to ignore me...his eyes get wide...idk
and me and him have a class together so i was talking to this guy that was in my second period class about what they did in class...(i had to take a test so i didnt go) and when i was talking to him my ex was like turn around shut the f up....(not in a mean way....kinda like sarcastic..he was doing his work) but i was looking at him like why are you acting like that...and he kept saying turn around ( we sit in the same row and the guy i was talking to sits in front of him) and i was like who are you talking to and his said was turn around everythime i asked him....
and the day before yesterday he bumped into me really really hurt and i turned around and i said you didnt that on purpose and all he did was look at me and grin...
me and him we talk all the time but not as much now that he has a gf...but nowadays he always has a smart remark to say..trying to be funny...he's confusing.....and i might not give him anything for his bday anyway..
Gemini Sun
Aqua Moon
Leo Rising
Cancer Venus
Virgo Sun
Venus Leo
No...were talking about his gift before he even had a new gf...and im only giving him fifty cents lmao
and im from New York...and im in Ga now so giving money on someone's bday is a big thing down here (they actually pin money on there shirts)...
so thats why im giving him money ( fifty cents and a card) nothing to extravagent....he's not my bf anymore...
First, why did u get him a gift, if he already has a new gf? if u give
him anything, it should just be a card~No $ or gift~really.
and the reason he is acting that way is bc he still likes u, but
the way u said u can buy ur own gift, he thought u was being
sarcastic, like go get ur own gift....not what u meant. but, again,
Why are u giving him $??? and, next time he says something like
he did when u were talkin to another guy, turn around w/o even a
smile, and say "that sounds like a good idea 4 u 2 do! now, turn
around cause this dont concern u! whose talkin' 2 u anyway?"
that would be better than lettin him talk that way 2 u in front of
another guy....really. But, he does still like u, and thinks he can
say or do whatever he wants to, and u will not get mad. but, u should...
and another thing u can say is, "excuse me but,
I dont see ur gf here, so who r u talkin to?????" just some suggestions
Virgos do have this almost nasty way when they wanna be, so no
surprise there.....Do u wanna go back w/him?...sounds like it to
**btw, seeing ur Venus is in Cancer, that is why u r emotional and feel
hurt...and his being in Leo, its all about pride and feeling above~Also,
jealousy is sooo there and apparent....again, gl and HB 2 ur Mom 2!!!
First, why did u get him a gift, if he already has a new gf? if u give
him anything, it should just be a card~No $ or gift~really.
and the reason he is acting that way is bc he still likes u, but
the way u said u can buy ur own gift, he thought u was being
sarcastic, like go get ur own gift....not what u meant. but, again,
Why are u giving him $??? and, next time he says something like
he did when u were talkin to another guy, turn around w/o even a
smile, and say "that sounds like a good idea 4 u 2 do! now, turn
around cause this dont concern u! whose talkin' 2 u anyway?"
that would be better than lettin him talk that way 2 u in front of
another guy....really. But, he does still like u, and thinks he can
say or do whatever he wants to, and u will not get mad. but, u should...
and another thing u can say is, "excuse me but,
I dont see ur gf here, so who r u talkin to?????" just some suggestions
Virgos do have this almost nasty way when they wanna be, so no
surprise there.....Do u wanna go back w/him?...sounds like it to
**btw, seeing ur Venus is in Cancer, that is why u r emotional and feel
hurt...and his being in Leo, its all about pride and feeling above~Also,
jealousy is sooo there and apparent....again, gl and HB 2 ur Mom 2!!!
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